
9 skills developers will need in the next five years

July 12, 2009

The economy is changing rapidly, and developers need to keep up with the latest trends and skills to stay relevant and competitive. Here is a list of 9 skills that every developer should master or at least be familiar with in the next five years. This list is not comprehensive, and it does not cover every niche or specialty in the industry. However, for most mainstream development scenarios, these skills will give you an edge over others and help you create better solutions. ...

Flash z-order — always on top?

July 1, 2009

I had a problem with a javascript pull-down menu that overlapped with a flash movie. The menu always appeared BEHIND the flash movie, regardless of the z-order. I solved it by: Adding the parameter <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> to the OBJECT tag. Adding the parameter wmode="transparent" to the EMBED tag. These parameters made the menu display correctly over the flash movie.

Choose your titles wisely for better URLs

June 20, 2009

To optimize your URL keywords, always use a hyphen (-) between words in your weblinks. Google recognizes hyphens as spaces, but not underscores. Slashes (/) are also treated as spaces, but they are not recommended for URLs. However, you can use slashes to separate keywords in your texts.

CSS Browser Compatibility Improvement Tip

June 6, 2009

To avoid inconsistencies across different browsers, always use the following CSS code unless you specify a different value for padding and margin. Some browsers do not set these properties to zero by default. html { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; } body { padding: 0px; margin: 0px; }

CSS fail

May 11, 2009

never use position:absolute; left:99px; its a handy little quick fix to position an element but it doesn’t ever work.