Ansible for Windows

Ansible #

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First published: 2024

Published by

DeployView Publishing

Birmingham, United Kingdom

ISBN 978-1-3999-8635-9

Dedicated to #

My wife and my daughter.

Acknowledgement #

I’d like to express my gratitude to everyone who has shown me unconditional love and encouragement throughout my personal and professional life. Your support was crucial to the completion of this book. I appreciate your help with this endeavour and your continued interest in my career.

About the Author #

Shafiq Alibhai is a developer who has worked in web development and devops for companies with anywhere between one to thousands of servers. He also manages many virtual servers for services offered by DeployView Limited and has been using Ansible to manage infrastructure since 2016.

Disclaimer #

Any opinions or personal views I express in this book are my own and not those of Red Hat Inc.

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Preface #


Who is this book for? #


Development Environment #

The code provided in this book is compatible with any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). An IDE is a software tool that offers comprehensive features for software development, such as code editing, debugging, compilation, and project management.

The base environment for reproducing the code examples of this book:

A text editor: graphical (VS Code, Atom, Geany, etc.) or terminal (VIM, Emacs, Nano, Pico, etc.). A workstation with either the ansible or ansible-core installed packages. We recommend using Visual Studio Code as the preferred IDE, which can be freely downloaded at

Conventions Used in the Book #

Throughout the book, we encounter numerous examples and terminal commands. The Ansible language primarily utilizes YAML and INI formats for syntax. When not specified in the text, assume the file format is YAML. The code adheres to the latest YAML specification. YAML, known for its simplicity, readability, and broad compatibility with programming languages, allows for a concise representation of complex data structures. It is widely used for configuration files and data exchange, similar to JSON but with Python-style indentation and a more compact format for lists and dictionary statements.

The INI format is frequently used for inventory and the Ansible configuration file. It is a straightforward configuration file format utilizing key-value pairs and sections for storing settings and preferences in a human-readable manner.

Many terminal commands are standard Linux commands, indicated inline (e.g., ansible [command]) or in a code block (with or without line numbers). For instance:

$ echo Hello World

The provided terminal commands follow POSIX conventions and are compatible with Unix-like systems, including Linux, macOS, and BSD. Each command assumes usage by a standard user account when prefixed with the $ (dollar) symbol or by the root user when prefixed with the # (number sign) symbol.

Each Ansible resource (playbook, role, plugin, and collection) adheres to the latest Ansible best practices, validated with the latest release of the Ansible Linter.

However, it’s worth noting that specific code snippets intentionally diverge from best practices to reproduce specific behaviors or use cases accurately. This ensures a comprehensive understanding of Ansible, encompassing ideal techniques and real-world scenarios.

Code Bundle and Coloured Images #

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Introduction #

“Ansible for Windows: A Comprehensive Guide to Windows Configuration Management Using Ansible” is intended for readers who want to leverage the power of Ansible in their day-to-day IT tasks, particularly with regard to managing Windows environments. The book will delve into various aspects of using Ansible as a solution for configuration management on Windows, covering topics such as installation, setup, and usage, as well as advanced features and best practices.

By the end of this book, you will be equipped with all the necessary skills and knowledge required to manage your Windows infrastructure using Ansible. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or simply someone looking for ways to improve their IT processes, this comprehensive guide is designed to meet your needs.

What is the purpose of Configuration Management #

Define what a “push” model means in configuration management #


What is Ansible #

Ansible is an open-source automation tool developed by Red Hat, which focuses on configuration management, application deployment, and intricate IT tasks orchestration. It was created in 2013 by Michael DeHaan. It provides a simple, agentless, and idempotent approach to infrastructure management, allowing users to automate tasks such as application deployment, system configuration, and orchestration of complex workflows. With its intuitive design and powerful capabilities, Ansible has become one of the most popular tools in modern IT environments for Windows Configuration Management.

Core Principles of Ansible #

Ansible operates based on several core principles that distinguish it from other automation tools:

Agentless Architecture #

Unlike many other configuration management tools, Ansible does not require any software agents to be installed on the managed nodes. This agentless architecture is achieved by using standard SSH (Secure Shell) or WinRM (Windows Remote Management) for communication with the target machines. The agentless nature of Ansible simplifies setup and maintenance, reduces overhead, and enhances security by minimising the attack surface.

Declarative Language #

Ansible uses a declarative language called YAML (Yet Another Markup Language) to define system configurations and automation tasks. In a declarative approach, the user specifies the desired state of the system, and Ansible takes care of executing the necessary steps to achieve that state. This contrasts with imperative programming, where the user would need to explicitly define each step required to reach the desired state.

Idempotency #

Ansible ensures idempotency, meaning that applying the same set of configurations multiple times will not produce unintended side effects. Each operation is designed to bring the system to the desired state without causing disruptions if the state is already achieved. This feature is crucial for maintaining consistency and reliability in large-scale environments.

Human Readability #

One of the key strengths of Ansible is its emphasis on human readability. Playbooks, which are collections of tasks written in YAML, are designed to be easily understood by both technical and non-technical users. This readability facilitates collaboration, as team members can quickly review and understand the automation scripts without needing to learn a complex programming language.

Extensibility #

Ansible is highly extensible through the use of modules and plugins. Modules are discrete units of code that perform specific tasks, such as managing services, handling files, or interacting with APIs. Plugins extend Ansible’s functionality by allowing users to add custom logic, enhance inventory management, or integrate with external systems. This extensibility ensures that Ansible can adapt to a wide range of use cases and environments.

Ansible Components #

To understand how Ansible works, it is essential to familiarise oneself with its key components:

Control Node #

The control node is the machine where Ansible is installed and from which automation tasks are executed. This node contains the Ansible command-line tools, modules, and playbooks. The control node orchestrates the execution of tasks on the managed nodes, but it does not require any agents to be installed on those nodes.

Managed Nodes #

Managed nodes are the target machines that Ansible manages. These nodes can be physical servers, virtual machines, or cloud instances. Ansible communicates with managed nodes using SSH for Unix-based systems or WinRM for Windows systems. The managed nodes do not require any special software other than standard remote access tools.

Inventory #

The inventory is a file or a dynamic source that lists the managed nodes and their grouping. The inventory file is written in a simple text format and can be static or dynamic. It allows users to organise nodes into groups, assign variables, and define host-specific configurations. Dynamic inventories are generated by scripts or external sources and are particularly useful for environments with frequently changing infrastructure.

Playbooks #

Playbooks are the heart of Ansible automation. Written in YAML, playbooks define a series of tasks that describe the desired state of the managed nodes. Each playbook consists of one or more plays, and each play targets a specific group of hosts. Tasks within a play are executed sequentially, ensuring that the system configuration progresses in a controlled manner.

Modules #

Modules are the building blocks of Ansible tasks. Each module performs a specific function, such as managing packages, services, files, or users. Ansible includes a wide range of built-in modules, and users can also create custom modules to extend functionality. Modules are executed on the managed nodes and return information about the task’s outcome, allowing Ansible to make decisions based on the results.

Roles #

Roles are a way to organise playbooks and reusable sets of tasks. A role is a collection of tasks, variables, templates, and other components that can be easily shared and reused across different playbooks. By using roles, users can modularise their configurations, making them more maintainable and scalable.

Variables #

Variables in Ansible are used to store dynamic values that can be referenced within playbooks, tasks, and templates. They allow users to customise configurations based on different environments, hosts, or other conditions. Variables can be defined in the inventory, playbooks, or external files, and they provide a flexible way to manage complex configurations.

Templates #

Templates in Ansible are files that contain placeholders for variables and are processed to generate dynamic content. Templates are written in Jinja2, a powerful templating engine for Python. They are commonly used to generate configuration files, scripts, and other text-based content that needs to be customised based on the variables defined in the playbooks.

Ansible’s Approach to Windows Configuration Management #

Ansible’s support for Windows systems has evolved significantly, making it a powerful tool for managing Windows environments. Although initially designed for Unix-based systems, Ansible’s modular architecture and extensibility have enabled seamless integration with Windows.

WinRM for Communication #

Ansible uses WinRM to communicate with Windows managed nodes. WinRM is a Microsoft technology that allows for remote management and automation of Windows systems using web services. By leveraging WinRM, Ansible can execute tasks on Windows nodes without the need for additional agents, maintaining its agentless architecture.

Windows Modules #

Ansible includes a comprehensive set of modules specifically designed for managing Windows systems. These modules cover a wide range of tasks, including managing services, packages, users, groups, registry settings, and more. Some key Windows modules include:

  • win_feature: Manages Windows features and roles.
  • win_service: Manages Windows services.
  • win_package: Manages Windows packages using the built-in package management tools.
  • win_user: Manages Windows user accounts.
  • win_group: Manages Windows groups.
  • win_regedit: Manages Windows registry settings.

These modules provide the functionality needed to automate the configuration and management of Windows systems effectively.

PowerShell Integration #

PowerShell is a powerful scripting language and automation framework for Windows. Ansible leverages PowerShell to execute commands and scripts on Windows managed nodes. By integrating with PowerShell, Ansible can take advantage of the extensive capabilities and libraries available in the Windows ecosystem. The win_shell and win_command modules allow users to run arbitrary PowerShell commands and scripts as part of their automation workflows.

Handling Windows-specific Challenges #

Managing Windows systems presents unique challenges, such as dealing with different authentication mechanisms, managing registry settings, and handling the intricacies of Windows services and features. Ansible addresses these challenges through its dedicated Windows modules and features. For example, the win_credssp module allows for secure authentication using the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) protocol, while the win_reboot module ensures proper handling of system reboots during automation tasks.

Use Cases for Ansible #

Ansible’s versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of use cases in IT automation and configuration management. Here are some common scenarios where Ansible excels:

Configuration Management #

Ansible simplifies configuration management by providing a consistent and repeatable way to define and enforce system configurations. Whether managing Linux or Windows systems, Ansible ensures that configurations are applied uniformly across all managed nodes. This capability is crucial for maintaining compliance, reducing configuration drift, and ensuring that systems are configured according to organisational standards.

Application Deployment #

Deploying applications across multiple environments can be complex and error-prone. Ansible streamlines application deployment by automating the entire process, from setting up the infrastructure to installing and configuring the application. With Ansible, users can define the desired state of the application and its dependencies, ensuring that deployments are consistent, repeatable, and scalable.

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) #

Ansible plays a vital role in CI/CD pipelines by automating the steps involved in building, testing, and deploying software. By integrating with popular CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab CI, and GitHub Actions, Ansible enables seamless automation of the entire software delivery lifecycle. This integration helps teams achieve faster and more reliable deployments, reducing the time to market for new features and updates.

Cloud Provisioning #

With the increasing adoption of cloud services, provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure has become a critical task for IT teams. Ansible provides modules for interacting with major cloud providers such as AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. These modules enable users to automate the creation, configuration, and management of cloud resources, making it easier to scale infrastructure, manage costs, and ensure consistency across cloud environments.

Security and Compliance #

Ensuring the security and compliance of IT systems is a top priority for organisations. Ansible helps achieve this by automating security-related tasks such as patch management, user and access control, and configuration audits. By defining security policies as code, organisations can enforce security standards consistently across all systems and quickly respond to emerging threats.

Network Automation #

Ansible extends its automation capabilities to network devices, allowing IT teams to manage network configurations

, deploy changes, and ensure compliance. Network modules support a wide range of devices from different vendors, enabling users to automate tasks such as configuring interfaces, managing VLANs, and applying security policies. Network automation with Ansible reduces manual intervention, minimises configuration errors, and enhances network reliability.

Summary #

Ansible is a powerful and versatile automation tool that has become an essential part of the modern IT landscape. Its simplicity, agentless architecture, and extensive feature set make it an ideal choice for configuration management, application deployment, and a wide range of automation tasks. With dedicated support for Windows systems and a growing ecosystem of modules and plugins, Ansible provides the capabilities needed to manage complex and diverse environments effectively.

Organisations that adopt Ansible can expect to achieve increased efficiency, improved collaboration, enhanced consistency, and significant cost savings. As IT environments continue to grow in complexity, the need for reliable and scalable automation solutions like Ansible will only become more critical. By leveraging Ansible’s strengths and embracing automation, organisations can stay ahead in the competitive landscape and drive innovation in their IT operations.

In the following chapters, we will delve deeper into how Ansible can be used for Windows configuration management, exploring advanced topics, best practices, and real-world examples to help you master the art of automating Windows environments with Ansible.

Who Should Use Ansible #

Ansible is a versatile tool that can be used by a wide range of IT professionals and organizations looking to streamline their IT operations. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or even a non-technical user looking for ways to simplify your IT tasks, Ansible offers a suitable solution. Here are some of the key groups who can benefit from using Ansible:

  1. System Administrators: System administrators are responsible for managing and maintaining IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and workstations. Ansible can help automate tasks such as software installation, configuration management, and patch management, freeing up time for more strategic initiatives.

  2. DevOps Professionals: DevOps professionals work to bridge the gap between development and operations teams by promoting collaboration, communication, and continuous delivery of applications. Ansible’s ability to automate the entire software development lifecycle makes it an ideal choice for DevOps practitioners.

  3. Developers: Developers can use Ansible to automate their development processes, including application deployment, testing, and monitoring. This not only speeds up the delivery of applications but also helps ensure consistency and reliability across different environments.

  4. Infrastructure Architects: Infrastructure architects are responsible for designing and implementing scalable and resilient IT infrastructures. Ansible’s flexibility and ability to manage both physical and virtual infrastructure makes it an attractive choice for these professionals.

  5. Security Professionals: Security professionals can use Ansible to automate security tasks such as vulnerability scanning, patch management, and compliance auditing. This helps ensure that systems are kept up-to-date and secure against potential threats.

  6. Cloud Architects: Cloud architects designing and implementing cloud-based solutions can use Ansible to manage infrastructure as code, ensuring consistency and repeatability across on-premises and cloud environments. This approach simplifies the migration of applications and services to public or private clouds, reducing costs and improving scalability.

  7. Network Engineers: Network engineers responsible for managing complex network infrastructures can utilize Ansible to automate configuration management, monitoring, and troubleshooting tasks. By streamlining these processes, network engineers can minimize downtime and ensure optimal performance.

  8. Managed Services Providers (MSPs): MSPs offer IT managed services to businesses of all sizes. Ansible can help these providers streamline their service delivery process by automating routine tasks such as software updates, backups, and security configuration.

  9. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs): SMEs often have limited IT resources and need cost-effective solutions to manage their infrastructure. Ansible’s simplicity and ease of use make it an ideal choice for these organizations.

  10. Government Agencies: Government agencies often have complex IT infrastructures that require stringent security measures. Ansible’s ability to automate compliance audits and vulnerability scans makes it an attractive choice for these organizations.

Summary #

Ansible is a valuable tool for individuals and organizations across various industries. Its simplicity, powerful features, and ease of use make it an ideal choice for managing your IT infrastructure with minimal effort. Whether you are a system administrator, developer, or non-technical user, this book will equip you with the skills necessary to harness Ansible’s full potential in Windows configuration management.

Why you should use Ansible for Windows Configuration Management #

Configuration management is a vital aspect of modern IT infrastructure. It involves managing configurations, ensuring consistency across environments, and maintaining version control for the same. This process helps organizations reduce manual errors, save time, and improve overall efficiency. Ansible offers a comprehensive solution for Windows configuration management by allowing users to automate tasks related to software installation, configuration changes, updates, and more. Following are some benefits realised by using Ansible for configuration management:

Simple Syntax and Easy Learning Curve #

Ansible’s syntax is simple and easy to learn, with a YAML-based playbook format. This makes it accessible for both experienced sysadmins and newcomers to automation. With just a few lines of code, you can create powerful scripts that automate complex tasks in your environments.

Increased Efficiency #

By automating repetitive and time-consuming tasks, Ansible frees up IT teams to focus on more strategic initiatives. This increased efficiency leads to faster deployments, reduced downtime, and quicker resolution of issues. Automation also minimises human errors, ensuring that tasks are executed consistently and accurately.

Improved Collaboration #

Ansible’s human-readable playbooks facilitate collaboration between different teams, including developers, operations, and security. Playbooks can serve as a common language that all stakeholders understand, enabling better communication and alignment on configuration and deployment processes. This collaborative approach helps break down silos and promotes a culture of shared responsibility.

Enhanced Consistency #

Consistency is crucial for maintaining stable and reliable IT environments. Ansible ensures that configurations are applied uniformly across all managed nodes, reducing the risk of configuration drift and inconsistencies. This consistency extends to deployments, where applications and services are deployed in the same manner across different environments, leading to predictable outcomes.

Scalability #

Ansible’s agentless architecture and modular design make it highly scalable. Organisations can manage thousands of nodes with a single Ansible control node, leveraging dynamic inventories and roles to handle complex and large-scale environments. This scalability ensures that Ansible can grow alongside the organisation’s infrastructure and automation needs.

Flexibility #

Ansible’s flexibility allows it to adapt to a wide range of use cases and environments. Whether managing on-premises data centres, cloud infrastructure, or hybrid environments, Ansible provides the tools and modules needed to automate tasks effectively. Its extensibility through custom modules and plugins ensures that it can meet the unique requirements of any organisation.

Cost Savings #

By automating manual tasks and reducing the need for human intervention, Ansible helps organisations save on operational costs. Automation also reduces the risk of costly errors and downtime, contributing to overall cost savings. Additionally, Ansible is an open-source solution, which means it is free to use and distribute. This makes it a cost-effective choice for organizations of all sizes looking to automate their IT infrastructure management processes without breaking the bank.

Idempotence #

Ansible ensures that tasks are executed in a consistent manner, regardless of whether they are run once or multiple times. This ensures that your infrastructure remains stable and reliable over time.

Integration with Other Tools #

Ansible supports various Windows versions, including Windows 7, 8, 10, Server 2003, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2019. Ansible integrates seamlessly with other tools and technologies commonly used in IT environments, such as Git, Jenkins, Docker, etc. This allows you to create end-to-end automation workflows that span across multiple platforms and services, providing a unified solution for managing your entire IT infrastructure.

Community Support and Continuous Development #

Ansible has a large and active community of users and developers who contribute to the project’s continuous development. This ensures that the platform remains up-to-date with the latest technologies and standards, providing you with the best possible tools for managing your Windows environment.

Cross-platform Support #

Ansible supports multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, macOS, and more. This allows administrators to manage their entire IT infrastructure from a single platform, reducing the need for separate tools and processes for different platforms.

Comprehensive Module Library #

Ansible provides a vast library of pre-built modules that can be used to automate various tasks in your Windows environment. These modules cover a wide range of functionalities, such as software installation, configuration changes, user management, and more. With this extensive module library, you can quickly and easily automate complex processes without writing custom scripts from scratch.

Summary #

Ansible offers a powerful and versatile solution for Windows configuration management. Its agentless architecture, simple syntax, cross-platform support, comprehensive module library, integration capabilities, and community support make it an ideal choice for managing your IT infrastructure. By automating repetitive tasks and ensuring consistency across environments, Ansible can help you save time, reduce errors, and improve overall efficiency in your Windows environment. In the following chapters, we will dive deeper into using Ansible for Windows configuration management, exploring various modules, playbooks, and best practices to get the most out of this powerful automation platform.

When to use Ansible for Windows Configuration Management #

The Need for Windows Configuration Management #

Traditionally, IT administrators have used tools like Group Policy, PowerShell, or System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) to manage configurations on Windows systems. However, as organizations adopt a more agile approach to IT infrastructure management, they require a more flexible and scalable solution that can automate repetitive tasks and streamline the configuration process across different platforms.

This is where Ansible comes into play. It offers a unified approach to managing configurations on both Windows and Linux systems, enabling organizations to manage their entire IT infrastructure using a single tool.

While Ansible is a powerful tool for managing configurations on both Windows and Linux systems, there are certain scenarios where it may be particularly beneficial. These include:

  • Automating repetitive tasks: If your organization performs routine configuration changes or deployments, using Ansible can help automate these processes and reduce manual effort.
  • Managing complex environments: In large-scale deployments with multiple systems and applications, Ansible’s ability to manage configurations consistently across different platforms can be invaluable.
  • Ensuring consistency: If maintaining consistency across your IT infrastructure is crucial, Ansible’s support for cross-platform configuration management can help ensure that all systems are configured identically.
  • Scaling infrastructure: As your organization grows and adds new systems or applications, using Ansible can help streamline the configuration process and enable you to scale your infrastructure efficiently.
  • Improving security: If security is a top priority for your organization, Ansible’s use of secure communication protocols like SSH or WinRM can help ensure that configurations are applied securely.

Using Ansible for Windows Configuration Management offers numerous benefits, including reduced complexity, increased efficiency, improved scalability, and cost savings. By leveraging Ansible in the right scenarios, you can transform your IT infrastructure management process and take advantage of a unified, flexible, and scalable solution that supports both Windows and Linux systems.

Comparison of Ansible with Other Tools for Windows Configuration Management #

Ansible is not the only tool available for Windows Configuration Management. In this section, we will explore some popular alternatives to Ansible and compare their features and capabilities in managing Windows environments:

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) #

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), formerly known as Systems Management Server (SMS), is a comprehensive platform for Windows Configuration Management developed by Microsoft itself. It offers a wide range of features, including software deployment, patch management, hardware inventory, and user-based policies. SCCM can also integrate with other Microsoft products like Intune and Azure to provide a unified approach to managing Windows systems.

SCCM is an excellent choice for organizations that heavily rely on the Microsoft ecosystem, as it offers deep integration with various Microsoft tools and services. However, its complexity and the need for a dedicated server infrastructure may make it less appealing for smaller organizations or those looking for a more lightweight solution.

Group Policy #

Group Policy is an essential component of Windows Server that provides centralized management of configuration settings and security policies for users and computers within a domain. It allows administrators to define and enforce specific settings, such as software installations, user preferences, and security restrictions, through the use of Group Policy Objects (GPOs).

Group Policy offers a straightforward way to manage Windows systems without the need for additional third-party tools. However, its scope is limited to managing configurations within Active Directory domains, which may not be suitable for organizations with a heterogeneous infrastructure or those requiring more advanced automation capabilities. Additionally, Group Policy can be challenging to troubleshoot and debug, as it often requires deep knowledge of the underlying Windows operating system.

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) #

PowerShell Desired State Configuration (DSC) is a configuration management solution built into Microsoft’s PowerShell platform. It allows IT professionals to define and manage the desired state of Windows systems using PowerShell scripts and resource modules. DSC provides features such as configuration drift detection, remediation, and automated deployment through the use of pull or push servers.

DSC offers a powerful and flexible way to automate Windows Configuration Management tasks using PowerShell, which is widely adopted and supported within the Microsoft community. However, its learning curve can be steep for those unfamiliar with PowerShell scripting, and its lack of support for non-Windows platforms may limit its applicability in modern, hybrid environments.

Puppet #

Puppet is a popular configuration management tool that offers a declarative approach to managing Windows systems. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) called Puppet DSL to define the desired state of resources and apply configurations through the use of manifests. Puppet also provides built-in support for modules, which can be shared and reused across different environments.

Puppet offers a wide range of features and capabilities for Windows Configuration Management, including software installation, package management, user and group configuration, and security policies. Its modular architecture allows for easy customization and integration with other tools in the IT landscape. However, Puppet’s learning curve can be steep, and its agent-based approach may require additional resources to maintain and manage.

Chef #

Chef is another powerful configuration management tool that follows an imperative programming model to define and apply configurations for Windows systems. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) called Chef DSL to describe the desired state of resources, which are then converted into executable code. Chef also provides built-in support for cookbooks, which can be used to encapsulate reusable configuration recipes.

Chef offers robust features and capabilities for Windows Configuration Management, including software deployment, package management, user and group configuration, and security policies. Its strong focus on automation and repeatability makes it an excellent choice for organizations looking to streamline their infrastructure management processes. However, Chef’s agent-based approach may require additional resources to maintain and manage.

SaltStack #

SaltStack is a scalable and distributed configuration management tool that offers both imperative and declarative programming models for managing Windows systems. It uses a domain-specific language (DSL) called YAML to define configurations and applies them through the use of state files and executors. SaltStack also provides built-in support for modules, which can be shared and reused across different environments.

SaltStack offers a flexible and powerful approach to Windows Configuration Management, with features such as software deployment, package management, user and group configuration, and security policies. Its distributed architecture allows for easy scalability and high availability, making it an excellent choice for organizations with large-scale deployments. However, SaltStack’s learning curve can be steep, and its extensive customization options may require additional time and effort to master.

How to Install Ansible: Step-by-step Guide to Setup Ansible on your development machine #

Windows #

MacOS #

Linux #

Ubuntu #

Fedora #

Arch #

Debian #

OpenSUSE #

Local Infrastructure Development: Ansible and Vagrant #

Prototyping and testing with local virtual machines #

Your first local server: Setting up Vagrant #

Using Ansible with Vagrant #

Your first Ansible playbook #

Cleaning Up #

Summary #

Understanding Ansible Architecture #

Overview Diagram #

Playbook #

What are Ansible playbooks used for? #

Introduction: Structure, Tasks, Plays and Handlers #

Writing Your First Playbook for Windows: Step-by-step Guide with Examples #

Running Playbooks on Windows Hosts: Execution, Debugging, and Error Handling #

Modules #

Roles #

Managing Secrets and Credentials #

Using Ansible Galaxy for Roles #

Summary #

The Basics of Ansible for Windows Configuration Management #

Configuring Windows Hosts for Ansible #

Enabling WinRM for Remote Management #

Bootstrapping on AWS and Azure #

Firewall and Security Considerations for Windows Hosts #

AWS, Azure #

Configuring Ansible Inventory for Windows Hosts: Static and Dynamic Inventories #

Configuring Ansible Command #

Ansible Configuration Guide

Configuration file #

Getting the latest configuration #

Environmental configuration #

Command line options #

Using Ad-hoc Commands for Quick Tasks #

List of all adhoc commands #

Ansible Ad-hoc Command Guide

Summary #

Windows Modules in Ansible #

Ansible.Windows: Ansible collection for core Windows plugins #

System Modules: These modules relate to managing system settings and configurations #

  • win_acl module – Set file/directory/registry/certificate permissions for a system user or group
  • win_acl_inheritance module – Change ACL inheritance
  • win_certificate_store module – Manages the certificate store
  • win_dns_client module – Configures DNS lookup on Windows hosts
  • win_environment module – Modify environment variables on Windows hosts
  • win_feature module – Installs and uninstalls Windows Features on Windows Server
  • win_hostname module – Manages local Windows computer name
  • win_optional_feature module – Manage optional Windows features
  • win_owner module – Set owner
  • win_path module – Manage Windows path environment variables
  • win_reg_stat module – Get information about Windows registry keys
  • win_regedit module – Add, change, or remove registry keys and values
  • win_service module – Manage and query Windows services
  • win_service_info module – Gather information about Windows services
  • win_updates module – Download and install Windows updates
  • win_user module – Manages local Windows user accounts
  • win_user_right module – Manage Windows User Rights
  • win_wait_for module – Waits for a condition before continuing
  • win_dsc module – Invokes a PowerShell DSC configuration
  • win_reboot module – Reboot a Windows machine

File and Directory Management Modules: These modules involve managing files and directories #

  • slurp module – Slurps a file from remote nodes
  • win_copy module – Copies files to remote locations on Windows hosts
  • win_file module – Creates, touches, or removes files or directories
  • win_find module – Return a list of files based on specific criteria
  • win_get_url module – Downloads file from HTTP, HTTPS, or FTP to node
  • win_share module – Manage Windows shares
  • win_stat module – Get information about Windows files
  • win_tempfile module – Creates temporary files and directories
  • win_template module – Template a file out to a remote server

Command Execution Modules: These modules focus on running commands and scripts on remote hosts #

  • async_status module – Obtain status of asynchronous task
  • win_command module – Executes a command on a remote Windows node
  • win_powershell module – Run PowerShell scripts
  • win_shell module – Execute shell commands on target hosts

Domain and Membership Modules: These modules deal with managing Windows domains and memberships #

  • win_domain module – Ensures the existence of a Windows domain
  • win_domain_controller module – Manage domain controller/member server state for a Windows host
  • win_domain_membership module – Manage domain/workgroup membership for a Windows host
  • win_ping module – A Windows version of the classic ping module
  • win_uri module – Interacts with web services

Package and Software Management Modules: These modules are used for managing software packages and features #

  • win_package module – Installs/uninstalls an installable package

Information Gathering Modules: These modules are used to gather information about the system #

  • setup module – Gathers facts about remote hosts
  • win_service_info module – Gather information about Windows services
  • win_whoami module – Get information about the current user and process

Community.Windows: Ansible collection for community Windows plugins #

Remote Management #

  • psexec module – Runs commands on a remote Windows host based on the PsExec model
  • win_psexec module – Runs commands (remotely) as another (privileged) user

Audit and Security #

  • win_audit_policy_system module – Used to make changes to the system wide Audit Policy
  • win_audit_rule module – Adds an audit rule to files, folders, or registry keys
  • win_security_policy module – Change local security policy settings

Authentication and Credentials #

  • win_auto_logon module – Adds or Sets auto logon registry keys
  • win_credential module – Manages Windows Credentials in the Credential Manager

Certificate Management #

  • win_certificate_info module – Get information on certificates from a Windows Certificate Store

System and Network Configuration #

  • win_computer_description module – Set windows description, owner and organization
  • win_data_deduplication module – Module to enable Data Deduplication on a volume
  • win_defrag module – Consolidate fragmented files on local volumes
  • win_disk_facts module – Show the attached disks and disk information of the target host
  • win_disk_image module – Manage ISO/VHD/VHDX mounts on Windows hosts
  • win_dns_record module – Manage Windows Server DNS records
  • win_dns_zone module – Manage Windows Server DNS Zones
  • win_http_proxy module – Manages proxy settings for WinHTTP
  • win_inet_proxy module – Manages proxy settings for WinINet and Internet Explorer
  • win_initialize_disk module – Initializes disks on Windows Server
  • win_net_adapter_feature module – Enable or disable certain network adapters
  • win_netbios module – Manage NetBIOS over TCP/IP settings on Windows
  • win_pagefile module – Query or change pagefile configuration
  • win_partition module – Creates, changes and removes partitions on Windows Server
  • win_power_plan module – Changes the power plan of a Windows system
  • win_product_facts module – Provides Windows product and license information
  • win_route module – Add or remove a static route
  • win_timezone module – Sets Windows machine timezone
  • win_webpicmd module – Installs packages using Web Platform Installer command-line

Active Directory and Domain #

  • win_domain_computer module – Manage computers in Active Directory
  • win_domain_group module – Creates, modifies or removes domain groups
  • win_domain_group_membership module – Manage Windows domain group membership
  • win_domain_object_info module – Gather information an Active Directory object
  • win_domain_ou module – Manage Active Directory Organizational Units
  • win_domain_user module – Manages Windows Active Directory user accounts

IIS Management #

  • win_iis_virtualdirectory module – Configures a virtual directory in IIS
  • win_iis_webapplication module – Configures IIS web applications
  • win_iis_webapppool module – Configure IIS Web Application Pools
  • win_iis_webbinding module – Configures a IIS Web site binding
  • win_iis_website module – Configures a IIS Web site

PowerShell Management #

  • win_psmodule module – Adds or removes a Windows PowerShell module
  • win_psmodule_info module – Gather information about PowerShell Modules
  • win_psrepository module – Adds, removes or updates a Windows PowerShell repository
  • win_psrepository_copy module – Copies registered PSRepositories to other user profiles
  • win_psrepository_info module – Gather information about PSRepositories
  • win_psscript module – Install and manage PowerShell scripts from a PSRepository
  • win_psscript_info module – Gather information about installed PowerShell Scripts
  • win_pssession_configuration module – Manage PSSession Configurations

RDS Management #

  • win_rds_cap module – Manage Connection Authorization Policies (CAP) on a Remote Desktop Gateway server
  • win_rds_rap module – Manage Resource Authorization Policies (RAP) on a Remote Desktop Gateway server
  • win_rds_settings module – Manage main settings of a Remote Desktop Gateway server

Miscellaneous #

  • win_dotnet_ngen module – Runs ngen to recompile DLLs after .NET updates
  • win_eventlog module – Manage Windows event logs
  • win_eventlog_entry module – Write entries to Windows event logs
  • win_feature_info module – Gather information about Windows features
  • win_file_compression module – Alters the compression of files and directories on NTFS partitions
  • win_file_version module – Get DLL or EXE file build version
  • win_firewall module – Enable or disable the Windows Firewall
  • win_firewall_rule module – Windows firewall automation
  • win_format module – Formats an existing volume or a new volume on an existing partition on Windows
  • win_hosts module – Manages hosts file entries on Windows
  • win_hotfix module – Install and uninstalls Windows hotfixes
  • win_listen_ports_facts module – Recopilates the facts of the listening ports of the machine
  • win_mapped_drive module – Map network drives for users
  • win_msg module – Sends a message to logged in users on Windows hosts
  • win_nssm module – Install a service using NSSM
  • win_pester module – Run Pester tests on Windows hosts
  • win_regmerge module – Merges the contents of a registry file into the Windows registry
  • win_robocopy module – Synchronizes the contents of two directories using Robocopy
  • win_say module – Text to speech module for Windows to speak messages and optionally play sounds
  • win_scheduled_task module – Manage scheduled tasks
  • win_scheduled_task_stat module – Get information about Windows Scheduled Tasks
  • win_scoop module – Manage packages using Scoop
  • win_scoop_bucket module – Manage Scoop buckets
  • win_shortcut module – Manage shortcuts on Windows
  • win_snmp module – Configures the Windows SNMP service
  • win_toast module – Sends Toast windows notification to logged in users on Windows 10 or later hosts
  • win_unzip module – Unzips compressed files and archives on the Windows node
  • win_user_profile module – Manages the Windows user profiles
  • win_wait_for_process module – Waits for a process to exist or not exist before continuing
  • win_wakeonlan module – Send a magic Wake-on-LAN (WoL) broadcast packet
  • win_xml module – Manages XML file content on Windows hosts
  • win_zip module – Compress file or directory as zip archive on the Windows node
  • win_region module – Set the region and format settings

Chocolatey.Chocolatey: Manage packages using Chocolatey #

  • win_chocolatey module – Manage packages using chocolatey
  • win_chocolatey_config module – Manages Chocolatey config settings
  • win_chocolatey_facts module – Create a facts collection for Chocolatey
  • win_chocolatey_feature module – Manages Chocolatey features
  • win_chocolatey_source module – Manages Chocolatey sources

Troubleshooting Common Issues #

Debugging Ansible Playbook Execution Errors #

Troubleshooting WinRM and Connectivity Problems #

Implementing DevOps Practices #

  • Ansible Tower/AWX
  • Gitlab
  • Github
  • Gitea
  • Drone
  • Jenkins
  • Azure DevOps

Summary #

Testing in Ansible #

Community Engagement and Contribution Paths #

Appendix #

Glossary of Terms #

Definitions of Key Ansible and Windows Terms

Curated List of Helpful Resources

Community Resources and Support Channels for Windows #

Recommendations for Further Learning and Certification #