
Notes on budgeting strategies, savings goals, Investments: Stocks, bonds, real estate, retirement planning etc and Financial literacy: personal finance, taxes, insurance, and financial planning.

  • Quantified Self:

    • Income sources (salary, freelance work, investments)
    • Expenses (fixed and variable)
    • Budget allocations (groceries, utilities, entertainment, etc.)
    • Savings rate
    • Debt payments (credit cards, loans, mortgages)
    • Credit score
    • Net worth calculation
    • Investment portfolio value
    • Investment contributions
    • Investment returns or losses
    • Retirement savings progress
    • Emergency fund balance
    • Insurance premiums paid
    • Tax-related activities (filing deadlines, documentation)
    • Financial goals progress
    • Money-saving strategies implemented
    • Cash flow management
    • Charity or donations made
    • Subscription services (cost, frequency of use)
    • Cost-cutting measures taken (e.g., negotiating bills, cancelling unused subscriptions)
    • Income earned
    • Expenses tracked
    • Budget adhered to
    • Savings accumulated
    • Investments made
    • Debt paid off
    • Credit score monitored
    • Financial goals set
    • Financial independence progress
    • Retirement planning undertaken
    • Emergency fund maintained
    • Insurance coverage assessed
    • Taxes filed
    • Estate planning considered
    • Financial literacy efforts made
    • Philanthropy or charitable giving practiced
    • Financial setbacks overcome
    • Financial milestones celebrated
  • Invest in stocks, mutual funds, or other assets.

  • Start a side business or freelance gig.

Income #

Employment #

Salary #

Base Salary #

Bonuses #

Investments #

Stocks #

Blue-chip Stocks #

Growth Stocks #

Real Estate #

Residential Properties #

Commercial Properties #

Mutual Funds #

Index Funds #

Bond Funds #

Passive Income #

Rental Income #

Real Estate Rentals #

Airbnb #

Dividends #

Dividend-paying Stocks #

Dividend ETFs #

Royalties #

Book Royalties #

Music Royalties #

Patent Royalties #

Budgeting #

Expenses #

Fixed Expenses #

Rent or Mortgage #

Utilities #

Variable Expenses #

Groceries #

Transportation #

Discretionary Expenses #

Dining Out #

Entertainment #

Savings #

Emergency Fund #

Cash Reserves #

Liquid Assets #

Retirement Savings #

401(k) #

Roth IRA #

Goal-oriented Savings #

Travel Fund #

Home Fund #

Education Fund #

Debt Management #

Debt Repayment #

Debt Snowball Method #

Debt Avalanche Method #

Interest Management #

Negotiating Lower Rates #

Debt Consolidation #

Debt Consolidation #

Consolidation Loans #

Balance Transfer Cards #

Financial Goals #

Short-term #

Saving for a Vacation #

Budgeting for Travel Expenses #

Building an Emergency Fund #

Setting Aside a Percentage of Income #

Medium-term #

Saving for a House #

Down Payment Savings Plan #

Children’s Education Fund #

529 Savings Plan #

Paying off Credit Card Debt #

Debt Repayment Strategy #

Long-term #

Retirement Planning #

Retirement Savings Strategy #

Retirement Income Planning #

Wealth Accumulation #

Investment Portfolio Growth #

Passive Income Streams #

Inspiration #

  • Dave Ramsey, the financial guru and radio host who teaches how to get out of debt and build wealth
  • Suze Orman, the personal finance expert and best-selling author who advises how to make smart money decisions
  • Robert Kiyosaki, the entrepreneur and author of Rich Dad Poor Dad who educates how to increase your financial literacy
  • Warren Buffett, the legendary investor and philanthropist who shares his wisdom on value investing and compound interest
  • Mr. Money Mustache, the blogger who retired at age 30 by saving and investing aggressively

Quotes #

  • “Debt is dumb. Cash is king.” - Dave Ramsey
  • “People first, then money, then things.” - Suze Orman
  • “The single most powerful asset we all have is our mind. If it is trained well, it can create enormous wealth in what seems to be an instant.” - Robert Kiyosaki
  • “Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget rule No. 1.” - Warren Buffett
  • “The key to financial freedom and great wealth is a person’s ability or skill to convert earned income into passive income and/or portfolio income.” - Robert Kiyosaki

Resources #

  • Mint, a website that helps you manage your budget, track your spending and save money
  • NerdWallet, a website that offers tools and advice on credit cards, loans, investing and more
  • Investopedia, a website that provides comprehensive financial education and information
  • The Bogleheads’ Guide to Investing, a book by Taylor Larimore, Mel Lindauer and Michael LeBoeuf that explains how to invest wisely using low-cost index funds
  • r/financialindependence, a subreddit that discusses how to achieve financial independence and early retirement