Personal Growth

Notes on:

  • Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, and personal boundaries.

  • Personal development: Setting goals for self-improvement and tracking progress.

  • Mindset: Cultivating a positive attitude, resilience, and a growth mindset.

  • Self-care practices: Establishing routines for physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

  • setting and achieving personal goals, skill development plans, self-reflection exercises, and some inspirational quotes to keep me motivated.

  • Quantified Self:

    • Productivity and Time Management:

      • Daily to-do list items completed
      • Time spent on specific tasks or projects
      • Procrastination episodes
      • Pomodoro or time-blocking sessions completed
      • Distractions encountered during work/study time
      • Break frequency and duration
      • Peak productivity hours identified
      • Multitasking instances
      • Meetings attended or scheduled
      • Emails sent and received
      • Inbox zero achieved
      • Goals set for the day/week/month
      • Goal progress tracked (percentage completed)
      • Time spent commuting
      • Commute-related activities (e.g., listening to podcasts, reading)
      • Learning activities undertaken (e.g., courses, reading)
      • Skills acquired or improved
      • Personal development goals progress
      • Books read or audiobooks listened to
      • Screen time (on devices such as smartphones, computers, tablets)
      • Social media usage (time spent, frequency of visits)
      • Apps or websites visited (productivity vs. leisure)
      • Screen-free time allocated
      • TV shows or movies watched
      • News consumption (sources, frequency)
    • Career and Professional Development:

      • Work hours logged
      • Tasks completed at work
      • Meetings attended or led
      • Projects worked on
      • Deadlines met or missed
      • Feedback received from colleagues or supervisors
      • Professional skills developed or improved
      • Training or professional development courses taken
      • Networking events attended
      • Job applications submitted
      • Interviews scheduled or completed
      • Career goals progress
      • Performance evaluations or reviews
      • Salary negotiations
      • Job satisfaction levels
      • Career achievements celebrated
      • Career milestones reached (e.g., promotions, certifications)
      • Work-life balance assessment
      • Side projects or freelance work undertaken
      • Mentoring or coaching sessions attended
    • Personal Development and Learning:

      • New skills acquired or honed
      • Courses completed (online or offline)
      • Certifications obtained
      • Books read (fiction and non-fiction)
      • Podcasts listened to
      • Documentaries watched
      • Educational workshops attended
      • Conferences or seminars participated in
      • Knowledge gained in specific areas of interest
      • Lifelong learning goals progress
      • Learning challenges or obstacles overcome
      • Study habits developed or improved
      • Intellectual curiosity nurtured
      • Critical thinking skills practiced
      • Learning resources curated or organised
    • Self-Reflection and Personal Growth:

      • Self-reflection sessions conducted
      • Personal strengths identified and celebrated
      • Areas for improvement acknowledged
      • Personal values clarified
      • Core beliefs examined
      • Self-limiting beliefs challenged
      • Positive affirmations practiced
      • Self-compassion cultivated
      • Self-esteem levels assessed
      • Self-talk monitored (positive vs. negative)
      • Personal boundaries reinforced
      • Personal growth goals set
      • Personal growth milestones celebrated
      • Personal development resources consumed (books, podcasts, courses)
      • Feedback received from others (and reflected upon)
      • Growth mindset nurtured
      • Resilience-building activities undertaken
      • Past mistakes learned from
      • Personal evolution documented over time
      • Personal legacy considerations
  • Read a book every month.

  • Learn French and improve English.

  • Take up a new hobby (painting, knitting, gardening, etc.).

  • Volunteer regularly.

  • Start a gratitude journal.

  • Practice public speaking.

  • Learn to play a musical instrument.

  • Develop a morning routine.

  • Write a business plan for a side hustle.

  • Take a course or workshop in a subject you’re interested in.

  • Improve time management skills.

  • Practice self-reflection.

  • Start a YouTube channel.

  • Learn basic cooking skills.

  • Declutter and organize your living space.

  • Practice positive affirmations.

  • Develop networking skills.

  • Set boundaries in personal and professional relationships.

  • Foster a growth mindset.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises.

  • Learn to manage stress effectively.

  • Attend networking events or conferences.

  • Improve communication skills.

  • Update skills through online courses or workshops.

  • Seek mentorship or coaching.

  • Start a business venture.

  • Learn negotiation skills.

  • Research and invest in real estate.

  • Develop leadership skills.

  • Technology and Productivity:

    • Limit screen time.
    • Organize digital files and folders.
    • Implement a digital detox.
    • Learn keyboard shortcuts for productivity software.
    • Set up automatic bill payments.
    • Clean up email inbox regularly.
    • Use productivity apps to track tasks and goals.
    • Learn to touch type.
    • Backup important digital files.
    • Create a digital calendar for scheduling.
  • Education and Learning:

    • Enroll in a degree program.
    • Attend workshops or seminars.
    • Earn a professional certification.
    • Learn coding or programming languages.
    • Pursue higher education opportunities.
    • Attend industry conferences or conventions.
    • Join a book club.
    • Participate in a discussion group.
    • Take a writing workshop.

Education #

Formal Education #

Schooling #

Primary Education #

Secondary Education #

University #

Undergraduate Studies #

Postgraduate Studies #

Vocational Training #

Apprenticeships #

Vocational Courses #

Self-directed Learning #

Microsoft Azure Notes #

Azure Fundamentals using Terraform #

Audience Profile #

You’re a technology professional who wants to demonstrate foundational knowledge of cloud concepts in Microsoft Azure using Terraform in particular.

Using Terraform, you can deploy Azure architectural components and Azure services, such as:

  • Compute
  • Networking
  • Storage

You can also deploy features and tools to secure, govern, and administer Azure.

You should have skills and experience working with an area of IT, such as:

  • Infrastructure management
  • Database management
  • Software development

Skills at a glance:

  • Describe cloud concepts
  • Deploy Azure architectural components and services
  • Deploy Azure management and governance services
Table of Content #
  • Describe cloud concepts:

    • Describe cloud computing

    • Define cloud computing

    • Describe the shared responsibility model

    • Define cloud models, including public, private, and hybrid

    • Identify appropriate use cases for each cloud model

    • Describe the consumption-based model

    • Compare cloud pricing models

    • Describe serverless

    • Describe the benefits of using cloud services:

      • Describe the benefits of high availability and scalability in the cloud
      • Describe the benefits of reliability and predictability in the cloud
      • Describe the benefits of security and governance in the cloud
      • Describe the benefits of manageability in the cloud
    • Describe cloud service types:

    • Describe infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

    • Describe platform as a service (PaaS)

    • Describe software as a service (SaaS)

    • Identify appropriate use cases for each cloud service (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS)

  • Implement Azure architecture and services:

    • Deploy the core architectural components of Azure using Terraform:

      • Deploy Azure regions, region pairs, and sovereign regions
      • Deploy availability zones
      • Describe Azure datacenters
      • Deploy Azure resources and resource groups
      • Deploy subscriptions
      • Deploy management groups
      • Deploy the hierarchy of resource groups, subscriptions, and management groups
    • Deploy Azure compute and networking services:

      • Compare compute types, including containers, virtual machines, and functions
      • Deploy virtual machine options, including Azure virtual machines, Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets, availability sets, and Azure Virtual Desktop
      • Deploy the resources required for virtual machines
      • Deploy application hosting options, including web apps, containers, and virtual machines
      • Deploy functions
      • Deploy virtual networking, including the purpose of Azure virtual networks, Azure virtual subnets, peering, Azure DNS, Azure VPN Gateway, and ExpressRoute
      • Deploy public and private endpoints
    • Deploy Azure storage services:

      • Compare Azure Storage services
      • Configure storage tiers
      • Configure redundancy options
      • Deploy various storage account options and storage types
      • Practise options for moving files, including AzCopy, Azure Storage Explorer, and Azure File Sync
      • Deploy migration options, including Azure Migrate and Azure Data Box
    • Configure Azure identity, access, and security:

      • Configure directory services in Azure, including Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), part of Microsoft Entra and Azure Active Directory Domain Services (Azure AD DS)
      • Configure authentication methods in Azure, including single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and passwordless
      • Configure external identities in Azure, including business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C)
      • Configure Conditional Access in Azure AD
      • Configure Azure role-based access control (RBAC)
      • Describe the concept of Zero Trust
      • Describe the purpose of the defense-in-depth model
      • Describe the purpose of Microsoft Defender for Cloud
  • Deploy and configure Azure management and governance services:

    • Configure cost management in Azure:

      • Describe factors that can affect costs in Azure
      • Compare the pricing calculator and the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator
      • Describe cost management capabilities in Azure
      • Configure cost management
      • Describe the purpose of tags
      • Configure resource tags
    • Deploy and Configure Azure governance and compliance services:

      • Configure Microsoft Purview in Azure
      • Configure Azure Policy
      • Configure resource locks
    • Describe features and tools for managing and deploying Azure resources:

      • Describe the Azure portal
      • Describe Azure Cloud Shell, including Azure Command-Line Interface (CLI) and Azure PowerShell
      • Describe the purpose of Azure Arc
      • Describe infrastructure as code (IaC)
      • Describe Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and ARM templates
    • Deploy and Configure monitoring tools in Azure:

      • Describe the purpose of Azure Advisor
      • Describe Azure Service Health
      • Deploy and configure Azure Monitor, including Log Analytics, Azure Monitor alerts, and Application Insights

Migration #

- Transfer subscription ownership
- azure apps migration
  - az webapp up - arm template
  - identify changes and mount to persistent storage
- azure sql server migration
  - Create a new subscription (TMP) in the source tenant
          Move the server to this new subscription (TMP)
          Transfer ownership of the new subscription to the destination tenant
          Move the server to the final destination subscription
          Remove the now obsolete subscription (TMP) from the destination tenant
- container migration
  - az acr import-pipeline create
  - az container create \
      --resource-group $ACI_PERS_RESOURCE_GROUP \
      --name hellofiles \
      --image \
      --dns-name-label aci-demo \
      --ports 80 \
      --azure-file-volume-account-name $ACI_PERS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME \
      --azure-file-volume-account-key $STORAGE_KEY \
      --azure-file-volume-share-name $ACI_PERS_SHARE_NAME \
      --azure-file-volume-mount-path /aci/logs/
- vms
  - copy the disk across
  - export arm template
  - deploy into new subscription
- landing zone
  - governance, security, operational efficiency
  - deployment options based on team skills - gui, arm templates, terraform, az blueprints, bicep, etc
  - naming, tagging standards, subscription designs, mgmt group hierarcy
  - business continuity and disaster recovery - az site recovery and backups
  - rbac assignments
  - policies
  - monitoring
  - maybe reusable application templates or just a basic reusable blueprint with networking etc
  - key vault to encourage better secret management
  - platform landing zone and application landing zone
- resource mover
  - invite sender id to new subscription
  - az resource invoke-action --action validateMoveResources --ids "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{source-rg}" --request-body "{  \"resources\": [\"/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{source-rg}/providers/{resource-provider}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}\", \"/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{source-rg}/providers/{resource-provider}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}\", \"/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{source-rg}/providers/{resource-provider}/{resource-type}/{resource-name}\"],\"targetResourceGroup\":\"/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/{destination-rg}\" }"
- docker cli to move container images
  - commit, save, load
- az webapp create-remote-connection
- spot vms
- elastic pool?
  - when instance specific features are not required
    - like sql tools, instance sql-transact functionality

Enterprise Architecture Notes #

  • ea
    • technical leader
    • document adr
    • governance
      • architecture principles

Reading #

Fiction #

Classic Literature #

Contemporary Fiction #

Non-fiction #

Biography #

Self-help #

Skill Development #

Professional Development #

Networking #

Public Speaking #

Personal Growth #

Self-awareness Exercises #

Goal-setting Workshops #

Lifelong Learning #

Continuous Improvement #

Self-directed Projects #

Mentorship #

Career #

Job Satisfaction #

Work Environment #

Company Culture #

Remote Work Policies #

Job Fulfilment #

Autonomy #

Mastery #

Advancement Opportunities #

Promotion #

Leadership Development #

Skills Training #

Work-life Balance #

Flexible Hours #

Remote Work Options #

Time Off #

Vacation Days #

Sabbaticals #

Personal Days #

Hobbies #

Creative Pursuits #

Painting #

Acrylic Painting #

Watercolor Painting #

Writing #

Fiction Writing #

Poetry #

Crafting #

Knitting #

Pottery #

Outdoor Activities #

Hiking #

Nature Trails #

Mountain Hikes #

Gardening #

Vegetable Gardening #

Flower Gardening #

Camping #

Wilderness Camping #

Glamping #

Intellectual Stimulation #

Puzzle-solving #

Crossword Puzzles #

Sudoku #

Debate #

Formal Debates #

Informal Discussions #

Learning New Instruments #

Guitar #

Piano #

Violin #