
Ajax Tabbed Google Search – A Typo3 Extension

April 13, 2010

I’m excited to share with you my first typo3 extension. It’s a front end plugin that lets you display a customized google search engine on your website. The search engine uses ajax technology and has tabs feature, so you can switch between different types of results without reloading the page. You can download the extension from the typo3 forge project page. You can also access the svn repository and contribute to the code. ...

How to tell the difference between slash and backslash

April 2, 2010

jordanlund 4 points 1 year ago[-] Confession time… I always get confused about which one is the slash and which one is the backslash. I end up calling them “the one on the question mark” and “the one not on the question mark”. Or / and \ for short. zem 45 points 1 year ago[-] Here’s a simple trick: \ leans back / leans forward grantrules 27 points 1 year ago[-] _ is a slash that got tired and lay down. ...


March 29, 2010

Description: GNUSL3S LINUX OS is a versatile and comprehensive distribution that comes with a rich selection of pre-installed software for various purposes. Whether you are a molecular biologist, an IT security professional, a system administrator, or a home server user, you will find the tools and applications you need in this distribution. You can boot from the DVD and enjoy a user-friendly graphical interface, useful recovery tools, and current libraries. ...

Typo3 Reference Manuals – A Google Chrome Extension

March 27, 2010

I am happy to share with you my first Google Chrome extension. It is a collection of Typo3 reference manuals that I have compiled from the website. It may not be the coolest extension out there, but it has been useful to me. 🙂 This Google Chrome extension is for: • Those who have a slow or unreliable internet connection. For example, in India. • And those who prefer to stay in the browser while reading or searching something in the Typo3 swx reference manuals. ...

How to Identify Your Linux Distribution and Version with Simple Commands

March 23, 2010

If you are using a Linux-based operating system and you want to know which specific distribution and version you have installed, there is a simple command that can help you with that. Just open a terminal window and type the following: cat /etc/issue This will display the name and the release number of your Linux distribution. For example, if you are using Debian 4.0, the output will look like this: ...

How to Implement Scrum Development Model in 8 Steps

March 22, 2010

Scrum is an agile development model that allows teams to deliver software products faster and with higher quality. Scrum involves breaking down the product into small and manageable pieces called backlog items, and working on them in short iterations called sprints. Here are the 8 steps you need to follow to implement Scrum successfully: Step 1: Prepare your product backlog. The product backlog is a list of features and requirements that you want to include in your product. ...

How to Boost Your Resume with Lifelong Learning

March 22, 2010

Learning and knowledge are essential for your professional growth and career advancement. But how can you demonstrate your skills and expertise to potential employers? Here are some tips to help you showcase your lifelong learning on your resume: Get certified by a reputable professional organization. This will show that you have met the standards and requirements of your industry or field. Certifications can also help you stand out from other candidates who may have similar qualifications. ...

How to Install PHP 5.3.1 on Ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit

March 17, 2010

…yes just 2 lines # For Ubuntu x64 # sudo su cd /tmp && mkdir php53 && cd php53 && wget && wget && dpkg -i *.deb && echo “deb stable all” » /etc/apt/sources.list && aptitude update && aptitude install libapache2-mod-php5=5.3.1 apache2 For Ubuntu 32 bit i386 # sudo su cd /tmp && mkdir php53 && cd php53 && wget && wget && dpkg -i *.deb && echo “deb http://php53. ...

Perl – How to Read a Text File into a Variable – 6 ways to do it

March 15, 2010

6 Ways to Read a Text File into a Variable If you are working with large file(s) you might consider using File::Slurp. It is much fast than the conventional: { local $/=undef; open FILE, "myfile" or die "Couldn't open file: $!"; binmode FILE; $string = <FILE>; close FILE; } { local $/=undef; open FILE, "myfile" or die "Couldn't open file: $!"; $string = <FILE>; close FILE; } open FILE, "myfile" or die "Couldn't open file: $! ...

Restarting a Project from Scratch !

March 8, 2010

Why Programmers Want to Start Over Have you ever felt the urge to scrap your code and rewrite it from scratch? If so, you’re not alone. Many programmers have this temptation, and there’s a hidden reason behind it. The reason is not that the old code is bad, but that it’s hard to understand. There’s a fundamental principle of programming that explains this: Reading code is harder than writing it. This is why reusing code is so challenging. ...